Revocation clause in Indian Wills
In the recent case of Sangha v Sangha (August 2022) the High Court provided some further clarity in the intricate matter of Wills written in multiple jurisdictions. The prolific writer of Wills bequeathed his Indian and English assets in four Wills. The third...
Another Test Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a, pede. Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor...
Civil partnerships: UK and Spain comparative guide
The concept of a registered civil partnership provides certain rights to same-sex couples or heterosexual couples who opt for this path. But what happens if you add a cross border component to it? What impact does this have? Do you know what your rights will be if you...
Testamentul Englez
Acest articol își propune să discute de ce avem nevoie de un testament si modul în care se obtine acesta în Anglia și Wales. Dacă locuiești în Anglia si Wales și deții bunuri aici și în România, e recomandat să dispui prin testament de aceste bunuri....
Did you know that these things can invalidate a Will?
These are the key components to making a valid Will: It must be in writing, signed by you, and witnessed by two people You must have the mental capacity to make the Will and understand the effect it will have You must have made the Will voluntarily and without...
Why the Duke of Edinburgh’s Will isn’t public (yet), but yours probably will be
Did you know that Wills are usually public documents? Your Will is likely to become public too, after your death. Wills become public documents if your Estate requires probate. The default position is that you can view a person's Will by searching the probate records...
Foreign Wills | How to find out if a Spanish Will exists
How can I find out if a Spanish Will exists? If you own assets in another country, it's often best practice to make a Will in that jurisdiction. There are exceptions to this rule however and specialist advice must be taken. So when you're looking at the wishes of...
Notary Public | What is a notary and when do I need one?
What is a notary and when do you need one? A notary prepares, witnesses and certifies documents going abroad, including translations of those documents where required. The stamp of a notary is recognition that the document is authentic, reliable and verified for use...
Changes to tax laws in Spain | Are you due a refund?
Changes to foreign asset reporting in Spain The law relating to reporting foreign assets in Spain is changing. While we're yet to see a change in the way you report your assets, there are important amendments to sanctions for non-compliance. If you're a Spanish...