We Have Excellent

///Connections in

Italian Law


At Marc White & Co, we’re experienced in ensuring clients avoid any legal pitfalls, including those that relate directly to cross-border legal rules. We’re also experienced in dealing with the different systems and procedures that arise across the British and Italian legal systems and are therefore able to secure the best solutions for clients.

The legal team at Marc White & Co includes several internationally qualified lawyers, and we work with trusted legal contacts in Italy, including qualified Avvocati (Italian lawyers), registered at Ordine degli Avvocati (Italian Law Society).

Marc White

Solicitor, Notary Public & Accredited Mediator

Yolanda Perez Berges

Spanish Lawyer / Abogado

Our range of services include:

Buying a House in Italy: Under the Italian law the seller and the purchaser usually sign a preliminary contract (contratto preliminare) that is a private  fully binding contract by which the parties  stipulate the main terms and conditions of the transaction and undertake to sign the definitive contract (contratto definitivo) before an Italian Notary. We can assist from beginning to end, drafting the preliminary contract, carrying out all necessary searches at  the Italian Land Registry (Conservatoria dei Registri Immobiliari) to search the title, instructing a surveyor to check the data and maps filed at the  Cadastre Office (Catasto) and the planning compliance of the property (conformit urbanistica), liaising with the Italian notary who will draft the definitive contract and providing after sale assistance.

Italian Citizenship: Brexit has increased the number of British citizen who wish to apply for citizenship in EU countries. We  are able to assist  clients, with a comprehensive service to ensure an Italian citizenship application is processed promptly and efficiently.

Italian Wills, Powers of Attorney and lifetime gifts: The laws in relation to wills (testament) and inheritance in Italy can be  very different to those in the jurisdiction of England and Wales, so it is important that you seek the advice of a cross-border legal specialist.Under the Italian law the estate is usually administered by the heirs directly. We can draft Power of Attorneys (Procura) in dual languages appointing an Italian lawyer to deal with all the task required by the administration service in Italy, draft  an Atto di Notoriet (deed of Notoriety) or a  dichiarazione sostitutiva di atto di notoriet (attested affidavits) required by Italian  banks and by the Italian Inland Revenue. We can also draft the inheritance tax declaration (dichiarazione di successione) and file it on your behalf, deposit all relevant documents with the files on an Italian notary and offer a complete probate service relieving you of what can be an onerous task at a time when you have lost someone close to you

Inheritance Tax: The domestic rules of inheritance tax and the level of taxation vary substantially between Italy and UK. In Italy inheritance tax (imposta di successione) is levied on the heirs and not on the estate. Italy and UK have signed a Convention for the avoidance  of double taxation regarding inheritance tax and we can assist you in avoiding the payment of double taxation.

Criminal Law and Personal Injury

Should you become involved in criminal proceedings in Italy, regardless of the type of case, it is essential that you are represented by a professional who understands the legal system with its complicated penalties and fines. We can also help with compensation claims for all types of accidents, negligence and, in general, compensation arising from  injuries or damages for incidents which happen in Italy from personal injury to loss of earnings, damage to property and vehicles.

Notary Services

Employing a qualified Notary is essential for certifying many legal documents including those drafted in the UK. We are able to issue or certify  UK documents in Italian which can save a great deal of time and expense.

Employment Law

The system is very different to the UK and we can act for both employers and employees covering the full range of disputes. We are also able to assist Ex-pats working throughout Italy on employed, self-employed or retainer agreements.

Family Law

We can provide you with expert advice on a range of legal issues including marriage and divorce, child access, maintenance and financial settlements. We can negotiate agreements and settlements on your behalf, or if necessary, prepare your case for court in Italy.

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+ 44 (0) 117 946 7709


Monday – Friday
09:00 – 17:00

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